A Guide to Estate Planning for Non-Biological Parents in the LGBTQIA+ Community: Protecting Your Family During Pride Month

Celebrate Pride Month as an LGBTQIA+ non-biological parent with reflection on the progress of the community. While recognizing achievements, it's crucial to acknowledge the ongoing fight for equality. Securing parental rights can present legal challenges, even within a marriage. Combining marriage with estate planning offers the highest level of reassurance.

This Pride Month, prioritize safeguarding your family's future with the necessary legal safeguards for yourself and your loved ones. Your dedication has built this life — don't let unforeseen circumstances jeopardize it. This article will outline essential steps to empower you in advocating for the rights of LGBTQIA+ non-biological parents.

Affirm Parental Legitimacy

As a non-biological parent, establishing legal parentage is crucial to secure your parental rights. It may not always be straightforward, however, as laws around legal parentage vary from state to state, posing a challenge for LGBTQIA+ families.

For instance, when a child is born through donor insemination, the non-biological parent may not be automatically considered a legal parent, even within a marriage. The same applies to same-gender couples using surrogacy or adoption methods. Without taking additional measures like a second-parent adoption or other legal procedures, a non-legal LGBTQIA+ parent may face difficulties asserting decision-making authority or exercising parental rights for essential matters such as care, education, and medical decisions, among others.

It's important to ensure a strong legal foundation for your family from the outset. Don't risk being denied the ability to make decisions on behalf of your own child or facing obstacles as a non-legal parent. No matter how you started your family, take the appropriate legal steps to ensure equal rights and parental standing.

Obtain Vital Legal Documentation

To safeguard your role as a non-biological parent, it's essential to secure additional legal documents beyond legal parentage:

1. Medical Consent Forms: These forms grant you explicit authority to make medical decisions for your child in any given situation. Without them, hospitals may dispute your legal standing and deny you the ability to make vital decisions in an emergency.

2. Parenting Agreement: A formal parenting agreement outlining both parties' roles, responsibilities, intentions, and legal rights is crucial if you're not legally married to your co-parent. This agreement can be used to establish crucial factors like living arrangements, decision-making powers, and financial obligations. It acts as your concrete evidence of the intended family structure and helps prevent legal jeopardy in the event of a break-up or disagreement.

3. Wills and Guardianship: In case of a worst-case scenario like death or incapacity, explicit documentation of your guardianship choices becomes crucial. It prevents legal battles with blood relatives that may disregard your family structure and ensures that your children are not taken into the care of strangers. A Kid's Protection Plan can help you nominate guardians for your children, exclude unwanted parties, and avoid ugly custody battles.

As an LGBTQIA+ parent, you need to establish these legal documents to reinforce your intentions, values, and family structure. Rather than allowing a complete stranger to make decisions about your children, take action now to secure your standing and give your children the love and stability they deserve. If you're the non-biological parent without established legal parentage, it's even more crucial to ensure that your child's biological parent has a Kid's Protection Plan in place.

Establish a Support Network

In addition to legal preparations, it's crucial to strengthen your family by connecting with trusted allies and support networks who can advocate for your rights if they are contested.

Consider reaching out to local or national LGBTQIA+ family organizations and online communities where you can seek advice and solidarity from others navigating similar challenges. Organizations like COLAGE (Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere) offer invaluable resources.

Seek out LGBTQIA+ friendly legal advisors who will approach estate planning with compassion and genuinely care for your family's well-being. As a Personal Family Lawyer®, our firm not only provides robust legal protections but also offers ongoing support whenever you need legal assistance in the future.

Despite the progress of LGBTQIA+ rights, the unfortunate reality is that you may still encounter biased individuals or institutions seeking to undermine the legal safeguards you've established. Having a strong support system backing you could prove to be immensely significant.

Create a Legacy, Not a Burden

As an LGBTQIA+ parent, you've likely faced numerous challenges just to become a parent. Now, it's time to ensure you can leave the lasting legacy you envision for your children.

With a comprehensive estate plan, you can capture the immense love, sacrifice, and life lessons that have gone into creating and nurturing your family. This plan allows you to memorialize your values, heritage, and core principles, and outline cherished ceremonial traditions you want to continue at important milestones.

As a Personal Family Lawyer, we do more than draft estate planning documents. Through our Life & Legacy Planning process, we ensure your plan works for you when your family needs it and is maintained and updated over time. This way, nothing that matters is lost, and you avoid leaving a burden for your loved ones.

Moreover, we help you pass on not just your financial assets, but also the intangible assets that truly matter. During our Life & Legacy Planning process, we'll record you speaking about what matters most, creating a family heirloom that will be cherished for generations.

Seek Support for the Journey

Even in 2024, LGBTQIA+ parents and families continue to face challenges in the fight for equality and respect. You don't have to navigate this journey alone. This Pride Month, connect with a Personal Family Lawyer who can help you protect your family structure and parental rights through comprehensive estate planning.

Estate planning goes beyond legal formalities; it's about ensuring your lifetime efforts to create your family leave a proud, enduring legacy for future generations. With the right guidance, you can celebrate future Pride events with the confidence that your journey won't be derailed by preventable legal oversights. Providing peace of mind by securing your family's legal standing is one of the greatest acts of love you can offer. It's a gift of love not only for your children but also for yourself.

How We Help Protect Your Family

As a Personal Family Lawyer Firm, we understand that protecting your family involves much more than just legal documentation. Our mission is to help you enshrine your hopes, values, and profound love for your children into a comprehensive plan that preserves your family's integrity for generations. We take the time to truly understand what family unity means to you—the struggles you overcame, the values you hold dear, and the future you envision. Then, we help you craft a tailored estate plan that meets your needs.

This Pride Month, give yourself and your children the greatest gift: a lasting celebration of your family's identity, equality, and unbreakable bonds. Schedule a complimentary 15-minute call with our office to learn more.


This article is a service of 20WestLegal LLC. We don't just draft documents; we ensure you make informed and empowered decisions about life and death for yourself and the people you love. That's why we offer a Planning Session, during which you will get more financially organized than you've ever been before and make all the best choices for the people you love. You can begin by calling our office today to schedule an Initial Planning Session and mention this article to find out how to get this $750 session at no charge.

The content is sourced from Personal Family Lawyer® for use by Personal Family Lawyer® firms, a source believed to be providing accurate information. This material was created for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as ERISA, tax, legal, or investment advice. If you are seeking legal advice specific to your needs, such advice services must be obtained on your own separate from this educational material.