A Revocable Living Trust is like putting your things in a special account. When you pass away, it helps your family avoid a long court process. It also lets you choose who will get your stuff and how it should be handled, exactly the way you want.



A Living Trust, also called a Revocable Living Trust, is a way to keep your stuff safe while you’re alive. It helps your family avoid going to court when you pass away and lets you decide who will get your things afterward.

Why Choose a Revocable Living Trust?

Most Living Trusts are made by lawyers so they can be changed if needed. They help protect your stuff and make sure it goes to the right people when the time comes.

Here’s why a Living Trust might be better than going through probate:

1: Cost

  • Living Trust: Creating a Living Trust with a lawyer in Sudbury, usually costs a few thousand dollars. Even though this might seem like a lot, it’s much less than what you’d pay in probate fees.

  • Probate: Probate court fees are decided by law and can cost a lot of money. For example, if someone in Sudbury dies without a Living Trust and has a house worth $750,000, the lawyer’s fees could be around $18,000—much more than making a Living Trust.

2: Choice

  • Revocable Trust: With a Living Trust, you decide who gets your stuff and when. For example, you can plan for your granddaughter to get your property when she turns 30, and you can make sure she’s taken care of before that.

  • Probate: Without a Living Trust, your things will be given out based on state laws, which might not match what you want.

3: Time

  • Living Trust: Making a Living Trust can be done quickly, and after you pass away, your things go to the people you choose right away.

  • Probate: Probate can take over a year, which means your things won’t be given to your loved ones for a long time, making things more stressful for them.

For expert assistance in drafting a Living Trust in Sudbury, contact us at (978) 440-0014.