Posts tagged digital assets
Divorce & Estate Planning: What Shannen Doherty’s Story Can Teach Us

Shannen Doherty’s passing last year was a heartbreaking reminder that timing is everything when it comes to estate planning—especially during a divorce. Her last-minute split didn’t just close a chapter; it likely saved her estate millions and spared her loved ones from years of messy courtroom drama.

Thinking, "That won’t happen to me?" Think again. Let’s talk about why updating your estate plan during major life changes isn’t just smart—it’s essential. Read more and protect what matters most.

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How To Manage Your Digital Accounts After Your Death—Part 3

Following your death, unless you’ve planned ahead, some of your online accounts will survive indefinitely, while others automatically expire after a period of inactivity. Still, others have specific processes that let you give family and friends the ability to access and posthumously manage your accounts.

In parts one and two of this series, we covered the processes that Facebook, Google, Instagram, Twitter, and Apple offer to manage your digital accounts following your death. In part three, we’ll conclude this series by covering the most effective methods for including digital assets in your estate plan.

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How To Manage Your Digital Accounts After Your Death Part—2

Last week, in part one of this series, we covered the processes that Facebook and Google have in place to manage your digital accounts following your death. Here in part two, we’ll continue our discussion, covering how Instagram, Twitter, and Apple’s collection of online platforms handle your accounts once you log off for the final time.

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Everything You Need to Know About Including Digital Assets In Your Estate Plan—Part 2 

There are a number of special considerations you should be aware of when including digital assets in your estate plan, and this series addresses each one. Last week in part one, we discussed some of the most common types of digital assets and the current legal landscape governing what happens to those assets upon your death or incapacity. Here, we offer some practical tips to ensure all of your digital assets are properly included in your estate plan, so these assets can provide the most benefit for your loved ones for generations to come.

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Everything You Need to Know About Including Digital Assets In Your Estate Plan—Part 1 

Recent advances in digital technology have made many aspects of our lives exponentially easier and more convenient. But at the same time, digital technology has also created some serious complications when it comes to estate planning. In fact, if you haven’t properly addressed your digital assets in your estate plan, there’s a good chance that most of those assets will be lost forever when you die.

Without the proper estate planning, just locating and accessing your digital assets can be a major headache—or even impossible—for your loved ones following your incapacity or death. And even if your loved ones can access your digital assets, in some cases, doing so may violate privacy laws or the terms of service governing your accounts. Plus, you may also have certain digital assets that you don’t want your loved ones to inherit, so you’ll need to take steps to restrict or limit access to those assets.

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Don’t Forget to Include Your Digital Assets In Your Estate Plan—Part 2

If you’re like most people, you probably own numerous digital assets, some of which likely have significant monetary and/or sentimental value. Other types of online property may have no value for anyone other than yourself or be something you’d prefer your family and friends not access or inherit.

To ensure all of your digital assets are accounted for, managed, and passed on in exactly the way you want, you should take the following steps…

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